Leaderboard Competition Winners

The results are in. okayBLAM has won the NON-US leaderboard competition and GottNuttz is the victor in the US leaderboard. Coincidentally, they each finished with a streak of 12. okayBLAM and GottNuttz will receive $400, 1 hour of coaching from PimpinDonks, a 1 year SharkScope membership, 30 SharkScopers credits, and a diamond Star Icon.

Overall, our first competition was a great success! A big thanks goes out to PlayersOnly and SunPoker for adding to the prizepool and allowing us to do this on their network.

NON-US leaderboard results

Ranking Username $$ won Credits won SS subscription Pimpindonks coaching
1 okayBLAM $400 30 Credits 1 year 1 hour
2 Landsbanki $150 15 Credits 5 months 1 hour
2 konfetka4 $150 15 Credits 5 months 1 hour
4 ShipSauce 2 Credits 1 month
5 imagino07 2 Credits 1 month


US Leaderboard results

Ranking Username $$ won Credits won SS subscription Pimpindonks coaching
1 GottNuttz $400 30 Credits 1 year 1 hour
2 xMarvel $150 15 Credits 5 months 1 hour
3 dan08 $100 10 Credits 3 months 1 hour
4 MattB5784 2 Credits 1 month
5 fingerbutt2 2 Credits 1 month

Here’s the latest status of the prize payouts:

  • SharkScopers credits have been credited to your account.
  • SharkScopeAdmin has credited winners SharkScope accounts with subscriptions
  • PlayersOnly and SunPoker have been instructred to pay out cash winnings. Players only has paid.
  • I’ve sent Mark a list of the coaching winners to contact. Mark has contacted all the winners to schedule a coaching session

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