As a Tournament Director I certainly understand the difficulties in hiring enough competent dealers for a major event. As a player, I try to be as tolerant as I can with a new dealer, usually helping with side pots etc. (ok, call me a table Capt..) But after all, it’s oft times necessary.
Archive for January 2004
Bike’s America Poker Classic
Deciding to stay home this January was a tough decision knowing how well attended the WPO was going to be, but the late winter and the entire spring will have me on the move so I chose to spend some family time here in Socal.
A very interesting NLH hand & how 1 mis-read might cost you.
I was in the 1500 NLH event a Commerce the other night and this hand came up.
I doubled up early when I made a small raise on the button with KK. I was called by the SB and flopped a K. He checked and I checked behind him. The turn brought a 9. He bet, I raised and he pushed in on me. How lucky you have to be sometimes to find your opponent catching the only card on the turn that gets me all his chips, he had 99 and went bust set under set.