Archive for December 2012

FullTilt Tracking Fully Resumes

We are happy to announce that FullTilt is now fully supported on SharkScope again. We worked hard with FullTilt to create an opt in/out system that works within their rules and this system is now available for use.

By default all FullTilt player statistics that come from tournaments with less than 30 players are hidden until the player opts in. Opting in and out is now a very simply process of clicking a special link that automatically opens the SharkScope Optin table and typing either optin or optout in the chat box.

Go to the following pages to click the link:



We have also worked with FullTilt to make sure we could retrieve as many tournaments as possible that were missed since the FullTilt relaunch. The result of this is that we now have virtually all scheduled tournaments in our database, but unfortunately there is no way to get the results for any missed SNGs during that period.