We’ve moved our videos over to a streaming server, which means that you can now scrub anywhere in the video without it having to load first. In the past, if you want wanted to open up a video and jump to the 30 minute mark, you would have to wait for 30 minutes worth of the video to download. Now you can just click on the timeline at the 30 minute mark, and the video will play from there.
Archive for January 2010
Italian Poker Videos Now Available
We’re now accepting poker videos from our italian members. You can go here to submit a video. Salsa-vb has posted up the first video in italian, which You can watch it here.
We hope to begin translating some of our existing videos in the future and getting more videos from our motivated italian members.
Create videos for SharkScopers. FEBRUARY BONANZA!
We’re opening up our doors to new video instructors. We’re looking for sng players who are dominating sharkscope leaderboards, cash game players with a history of long-term success, and multi-table tournament players who continually defy the odds and final table in large fields.
If you’re interested, now is the best time to get started. During february, we’re giving 55% of earnings to all instructors that publish just two videos. We’ll also be introducing new membership methods, which will bring in more viewers to your videos.
Visit our submit a video page to find out how to get started now.