Archive for August 2010 and coverage added

SharkScope has now added and to its tracking portfolio, making a total of five French networks covered.

Its coverage is fundamentally the same as the international FullTilt tracking and therefore the coverage rate, tracking times and tournament-selection functionality is identical.

The tracking however has been completely re-engineered to improve the coverage, particularly at the micro stakes range, compared to its international equivalent; tournament-selection capabilities will come online in the next week or so.

SharkScope tracks its 500 millionth game!

SharkScope’s database now contains the results for a whopping 507 million SnG tournaments (at the time of writing) which are online and searchable 24×7.

The first tournament was tracked in 2004 starting on the CryptoLogic network and the total has grown this year at its fastest rate ever. The database contains the player names of an incredible 23 million online players across a total of 34 networks.

SharkScope recently added Live WPT tournament results and the development team is busy creating coverage for the new French networks such as and, both of which will be officially released this week.