“When I reach the fork in the road, I see that one is less traveled. On the other hand, it has signs, directions, road maps, and statistics.” – Warren Karp
Archive for January 2002
Happy New Year; Now, Let’s Plan to Go to the World Series of Poker
Yes, the new year is upon us and it’s time to make resolutions – lose weight, stop smoking, exercise, stay healthy, play well, and, of course, plan to go the World Series of Poker.
Wait, you say, this column is for the beginner! How can a newbie like me expect to go and play in the World Series? I’m still learning the game – and limit games, at that – let alone playing in the biggest no-limit event there is. I’ve very rarely even played poker in a casino, and some of my buddies haven’t yet. I’ve never played in and don’t understand how a tournament works, or even how I enter. So, the question is, how can a person with my playing skills even dream of going to, let alone playing in, the World Series of Poker?