Archive for March 2004


Imagine you are standing next to these two guys as they watch the $400-$800 mix game at The Commerce. Eddie is a modestly successful Joey Kanish type, while George is your basic rocket scientist with about as much chance of making a living in poker as Yassar Arafat has of managing the Jerusalem Hilton.You don’t know’ ‘Who’s’ in the game or ‘What’ players are after each others’ bankrolls, so just sit back, relax and enjoy.’Naturally’.

Hollywood Park joins the Saturn rings of the WPT

Hollywood Park, the only one of the top 3 in Socal without a WPT event, has become a satellite venue for WPT events. This means they run tournaments where the end prize is either a seat in the $2500 super satellite or in major events the 1st place is a $25000.00 seat in the WPT Championship, coming up in April.

Last night they had a 100 buy-in multi re-buy event that ended with almost a 60,000-prize pool and a seat at the Largest buy in dance.

L.A. Marathon runners start at the BIKE?? Red Bull Please!!

In what turns out to be a typo error by the marketing department at the Bicycle Casino, last nights $2600.00 Championship NL Hold em event was advertised as a one-day event. With 5000T and 60 minute rounds there was no getting away from the fact that if you played good and got deep in this event your drink of choice had to be RED BULL.


Charlie “Scotty Warbucks” Shoten is a tournament circuit pro. I have known Charlie for many years and respect not only his play, but the man as well. I’ve never seen him get out of line or go on tilt. Recently an article came out in Poker Player Magazine that just might explain his success. Since it’s publication, many a pro have come to Charlie with victory stories and owing it in a great part to Charlie’s article. Charlie told me he was thrilled that it’s had this kind of effect and hopes that many more players can get the same out of it that these Pro’s have had. I must admit that its a strange read at first, but as Charlie says you don’t get this till you read it 3 or 4 times and then he suggests you re-read it every day.

Have the TDA Rules Changed Your Tournament Life?

Have the TDA Rules Changed Your Tournament Life? If You Don/t Think So, You May Get a Penalty! In the Beginning…
Only a few years ago, if you traveled to a tournament, you were never sure of the rules for that particular casino or cardroom until you arrived. This was true not only when you traveled across the country, but also when you traveled across town.

Bike Dealer plays my hand

Last night at the Bike I had a problem with a dealer.
Now I can tell you I very rarely know who’s in the box, I never look at the dealer and I don’t believe that the mailman has anything to do with the content of the mail.