Welcome to SharkScopers, Hosted by the PokerMD

My name is Warren Karp

docWhen I first developed PokerMD it was a way to give back to the poker community and to help each other learn. When Online Poker became a reality we shared ideas and strategies that helped us to do well in an emerging market. One of the tools we learned about was Sharkscope. We learned how it worked and took advantage of the many facets of data it provided. Remember in poker, knowledge is king and SharkScope provided plenty of knowledge by way of data and statistics. The conversation went on as new pieces of information became available and as I travelled around I found that the conversation was continuing offline as well.

SharkScope is the oldest and best known poker tournament tracking website. Since it was established in 2005, it has consistently ranked in the top 10 most visited poker content websites in the world. We take pride in the accuracy of our tracking and the amount of novel and unique features we offer all classes of poker players from novices up to high volume professionals. Consequently, around 20% of all online poker tournament players visit SharkScope each month.

Here’s the great part. Not only can you read about new and important features here but we’ve set up a FaceBook Page as well where you can find discounts, specials and post questions and get answers. Like us there and get full access.

Were also on Twitter @SharkScope and on Google+ so come “HangOut” with us

SharkScopers powered by PokerMD where knowledge is power and it’s all just a click away!

Hope That Helps

Warren Karp

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